Val Pellice, beyond the ridges with the family
from August 9 to 13, 2023
Day 1 - Welcome at 11 a.m., in Valpréveyre, a hamlet in the town of Abriès. Small shuttle to drop off cars in the hamlet of Echalp (12km), closing point of our stay. We get to know our mules, put away everyone's belongings in the saddlebags and take the time for a first picnic all together before attacking our roaming. This leads us beyond the forest of larches, in the heart of the first mountain pastures. We set up our camp in this open, transitional environment: tamarack, flowery alpine lawn, rhododendron bushes...
Approx. 1h30 walk / D+ 400 m
Day 2 - We cross the Col d'Urine, at an altitude of 2,500 m, which allows us to switch to the Italian side of Piedmont and marks a radical change of atmosphere. Via this steep-sided alpine valley, we descend to Val Pelicce and come out downstream from a hamlet from another time, “Ciabo del Pra“. Everything then opens onto this beautiful glacial valley where the bells of cows and sheep resound from one side to the other. Installation of our bivouac under the larch, in the heart of this open cradle that constitutes this remarkable valley.
Approx. 4 hours of walking / D+ 340 m and D- 860 m
Day 3 - In the morning, we climb through the bottom of the valley towards the sheep rocks which shelter and hide the magnificent Lake Granero near which we set up our camp. Afternoon fully available to enjoy the banks of the torrent and the lake. Reading, games with the children, naps, simple moments of contemplation... Meals taken at the Granero mountain hut before heading back to our tent.
Approx. 3 hours of walking / D+ 700 m.
Day 4 - For those who wish, we climb to Col Manzol to enjoy a beautiful view on the Pau Valley. Then, we head back to our camp and take some time to relax, play, learn about nature on the shore of the Granero lake. In the afternoon, we walk back lower down in the valley and set up our camp for the last night of our trip together.
Approx. 1h walk / D- 350 m
Day 5 - After descending to Ciabo del Pra, we find an old traditional muleteer's path, which winds its regular hairpin bends to the Nalbert pass. If we are discreet and that we observe attentively the surrounding ridges, we will maybe see chamois. Now, it's time to go down: thanks to a good old path, we descend to La Monta where we left a car before our departure (end of the stay around 4 p.m.).
Approx. 5h walk / D+ 590 m and D- 1,050 m