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Val Pellice, beyond the ridges with the family
from 9 to 13 August, 2023


Trip Description.

In Piedmont, Val Pellice is a little gem of an alpine valley. We start from France, from the depths of Queyras, the mountain pastures are wide and open to the horizon. A few steps on the Piedmont side and you will be impressed by the contrast. The pasture plunges, the valley is deep, the path becomes steep. Later, we arrive at the first sheepfolds, move forward again then suddenly, everything opens up: the glacier has given us a vast flat area where man has been able to install his flocks and nest his house. Higher up, there are the rolling waves of glacial erosion, the polished granite hides the emerald of the lake, then the scree brings us closer to verticality... The sufficiently short stages and the free day on the shores of Lake Granero make this stay suitable for families with children from 6 or 7 years old.

Book now.

For the booking for this trip, let us take you to the website of the travel agency Vercors Escapade, which takes care of all administrative aspects and provides the insurance I need for my trips.

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